
Showing posts from September, 2020

Black Lives Matter

Recently there has been a lot of news on Black Lives Matter. It has been all over social media about trying to bring justice to the world. This movement has a lot of controversies surrounding it. Some of those controversies are, is it really a peaceful protest or is it just political. A lot of people are protesting peacefully but some are not and are burning flags and destroying statues. Buring of the flags is still allowed as it doesn't harm anyone and is a freedom of speech. However anybody that chooses to destroy statues or vandalized them will be arrested. I can see that a lot of people are protesting peacefully but then there are other people that are destroying people's businesses by lighting them on fire and looting. This is very dangerous and whoever does this is violating their first amendment right.  A lot of people think its just politics. Black Lives Matter could potentially change the way the election goes as we come closer to that time. In recent news articles tha

My Top News Sources

My top five news sources  Throughout my life, I haven't been really involved with watching the news but in these unprecedented times, I find it hard not to be concerned with what going on in the world. So I started getting more involved with a couple of news sources that helped me gain a little more knowledge on what's going on these days.  Fox News Whenever I do put the news on I typically watch Fox News because this is what I was most familiar with. I enjoy watching Fox news because it gives me reliable information and it keeps me engaged the whole time, unlike some other news stations. Another reason why I chose Fox is that I enjoy the news anchors. Twitter  I get a lot of my news from Twitter and this is really the only reason why I use this application. The reason I like Twitter is because I can choose who I want to follow and get the information straight from that person or news station. It's also convenient because it's right on my phone and I