My Top News Sources

My top five news sources 

Throughout my life, I haven't been really involved with watching the news but in these unprecedented times, I find it hard not to be concerned with what going on in the world. So I started getting more involved with a couple of news sources that helped me gain a little more knowledge on what's going on these days. 

Fox News

Whenever I do put the news on I typically watch Fox News because this is what I was most familiar with. I enjoy watching Fox news because it gives me reliable information and it keeps me engaged the whole time, unlike some other news stations. Another reason why I chose Fox is that I enjoy the news anchors.


I get a lot of my news from Twitter and this is really the only reason why I use this application. The reason I like Twitter is because I can choose who I want to follow and get the information straight from that person or news station. It's also convenient because it's right on my phone and I don't have to be home to watch the news on tv. 


I love watching Youtube and it's great for news too, considering I can watch important clips and not have to engage in watching the news on tv for a while. You can search up exactly what you want to know and watch a summary instead of spending a lot of your time watching the news regularly. 

The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel is one of my favorite places to get news on what the weather will be like currently or in the future. I check it at least twice a day to make sure I wear the correct thing or if there's a bad storm to make sure I'm prepared. It's also great because if I'm going on a trip somewhere I can check what time would be best to go based on the weather

Apple News

Another great new app I use is Apple News which sends me notifications on what I might be interested in knowing. Also, it's super convenient since all I have to do is pick up my phone and can get news from a bunch of different channels. It has so many different topics and articles to pick from which is great. 

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