
I was kind of caught off guard when first clicking onto the website. The reason I say this is because I had no idea that these types of websites existed. This website is a way for people that are for the antiwar movement to connect, talk, and discuss. However, in my opinion, it’s kind of extreme in it’s messaging. I don’t think that many Americans are in favor of waging war but I also don’t think America is an evil imperialist country. It’s interesting to read this point of view but we also need to read other points of view to make our own conclusions.

The second website I looked at was American Conservative. This website has a much more polished, professional look than Because of it’s upgraded presentation, people may think it has more reliable information. However, in my opinion, it’s also kind of extreme in it’s messaging. This website is also antiwar with a different twist. They promote a strong military but are against intervening in other countries problems. It’s interesting to read their point of view.

In America, people are allowed to have opinions and have the right to speak out about their views. That’s good news. You just have to make sure you read all different points of view. Nowadays you can’t believe everything you read, you have to dig deep to draw your own conclusions.


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