Eight Values of Free Expression

 When I dive more into these Eight Values of Free Expression I see how important they really are. There are a bunch of great expressions, but a few really stick out to me the most. I don’t really notice these eight values of free expression that I have on a day to day basis but I feel that it is important to understand how valuable these are in our lives.

The first one that really caught my attention was the Market Place of Ideas which talked about how in the end the truth will always win. I feel like this allows people to discussed ideas freely and it gives everyone a chance to have a say but in the end, the idea that is the truth will always win. Also, I feel like this relates to not lying and always being honest because someday those lies will catch up with you and the truth will come out. This is why I think this is so significant because honesty is really the best way to go about your life. 

The other free expression that caught my attention was Individual Self-Fulfillment. This from my understanding talked a lot about freedom of speech and expression. Being able to think the way you want to be able to create your own lifestyle and identity. I feel like this is great because in the world we live in today you can’t believe everything you read or see on tv. So you really have to research and figure out whats true and false and live you life according to what you think is correct.



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